Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Last days shooting "Sirena Negra"

As I have posted previously, our short film adapting the play "Sirena Negra" written by Vanessa Montfort for the project "Hijos de Mary Shelley" is now in its Festivals running, and doing pretty well! Here are a couple of photos from the last shooting days in Madrid...

A "secret" screening with the people of La Huella. We use to do that to have fresh feedback from the early editing versions. Left to right: Régis Barbey (colourist), Luis Sánchez-Gijón (behind Régis, editor and AD), Jérôme Debève (Producer and VFX supervisor), Jorge Muñoz (CGI artist), Juan A. Ruiz (Producer and VFX supervisor) and Iván Lopez (video artist and Flame specialist)

On location, preparing the shooting for next day. Left to rift: Juanlo Prada (Production director), Lati Maraña (DOP) and Luis Sánchez-Gijón (Editor,VFX designer and AD)

Luis Sánchez-Gijón (Editor and AD) with Lati Maraña (DOP) and me in the foreground :-)

The shooting day, Juanlo and Luis

Preparing a shot. Between Luis and Lati is María Gestoso (Camera Assistant)

Shooting a... sewer

Here is Áyax López Alavés, son of Iván, who has a little but important role in the film

Juanlo spending time with Ayax

Juano in a pause of the shooting

Shooting some effects footage in my apartment

By the end of the day we shot some wide shots in the Azca area

María with Lati

Suddenly the rain came and helped to have some wonderful shots

Juanlo by the end of the last day

The next morning, in La Huella, Lati and Luis

A limited screening of the film a couple of days later. Left to right: Vanessa Montfort (author), Ruth González (the star of the film) and Luis Antonio Muñoz (score composer and sound designer of the play)

Here we are, after the screening

The making of the previous photo :-)